Dip a toe in the puddle people! I dare you!
This easy link may inspire you to learn and seek more knowledge about our Founding Fathers.
Good Luck finishing Red Scarf Girl this week.
I have it on good authority that at least one of you is striving to EARN the KEY this WEEK!
- You could look ahead to next weeks writing assignment and be prepared to really WOW us with knowledge and insights in our writing discussion.
- When we finish Red Scarf girl, you only have two weeks to read the Landing of the Pilgrims. If you come to next week's class with a plan to get the next book in your hand, get CANDY!
The Tulsa Library only has three copies of this book so if you hope to borrow Landing of the Pilgrims by James Daugherty--get it RESERVED!
If you buy it on Amazon, it's .15 cents used.

Its on Kindle (Be careful to get the book, not the play by another author... like I did.)
If you aren't a reader, get someone committed to read it to you or search for it on librivox.com
Have a plan in place for purloining the book and WIN!
Nice alliteration huh?
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Thanks for your comment. Tell me you got this comment in class and I will reward with CANDY. JUST for YOU!