SECOND QUIZ Pages 40-100
ANSWERS AT THE END--Don't cheat yourself!
- Mentors hired by George Washington’s half-brother Lawrence taught him. Name two of the three skills? P.41
- How old was Washington when he was sent on a military mission to deliver a message to the French? P.42
- In a month and a half how far did he travel on this mission? P42
- How did the French respond to the British request for their removal from the Ohio Valley?p 43
- Washington had an exciting adventure on his trip home. The story was published in what magazine and printed in six issues titled what? P. 45
- What did Washington write about being in the middle of battle? P. 47
- What happened at Fort Necessity P 45
- What do you think Voulez-vous parler means? P 48
- July 4, 1754 What happened in Washington’s life? P 49
- After Washington resigned, who inspired him to return to the military life? P 51
- Battle of Fort Duquesne, General Braddock was killed. What happened to Washington? P 53
- Washington resigned again after rebuilding Fort Duquesne. Why? p 59 and 65
- Name three attributes of Martha Curtis p 63 and what date he married. p 65
- How did Washington feel about freeing his slaves? P 70 and P 75
- What did it mean to be a Member of the House of Burgess? P 71
- Why did Britain feel it necessary to tax the colonies? P 78
- Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, but replaced it with what? P 81
- In retribution to the Tea Party, Parliament passed what series of bills? p 85 And then did what to the Virginia House of Burgess? p. 86
- On Aug 1, Washington spoke at a meeting in Virginia and what happened? p 88
- The famous orator Patrick Henry said what famous line about himself, and then said this about Washington? And then finally uttered immortal words? P 89 90 and 91
- After Paul Revere’s ride, in what battle was “the shot heard round the world”? P 92
- What did Ethan Allen demand at Fort Ticonderoga from the pantsless general? p 95
- John Adams led the discussion for who would lead the army. Who did he want and what did Washington do? p 96
- How was Washington paid for his service? p 97
- Name 3 ways women helped in the War? p 98

1. battle strategy and weaponsand swordplay
2. 21
3. 500 miles
4. um... no. St. Pierre said, "I do not think myself obliged to obey it."
5. Boston Gazette, and The Journals of Washington, "My Jouney to the French."
6. I have heard the bullets whistle and thee is something charming in the sound.
7. Washington was foced to surrender to the French
8 Would you like to speak? (of surrender)
9 Washington signed surrender papers.
10Major General Braddock
11. Two horses shot out from under him, four bullets through his coat, two through his hat, uninjured.
12 To marry and retire to Mt. Vernon
11. Two horses shot out from under him, four bullets through his coat, two through his hat, uninjured.
12 To marry and retire to Mt. Vernon
13 hot tempered, stubborn, played piano, danced, good weaver and seamstress, Jan 6, 1759
14 He released them all upon his and Martha's death.
15 You were a member of the state assembly.
16 To fund the war in America against the French
17 The Townsend Act
18 The Intolerable Acts, Dissolved ithe House and released it of all influence with Britain
19 Volunteered to lead the Army.
19 Volunteered to lead the Army.
20 I am not a Virginian, I am an American, Rise up and help me. Washington is unquestionably the greatest man on the floor. Give me Liberty or Give Me Death!
21 Beginning of Revolutionary war the Battle of Lexington and Concord
22 Surrender
23 Nominated him for command--whereupon Washington left the room.
24 Not paid, ever, just reimbursed for expenses he incurred.
25 Wove cloth, sewed uniforms, ran the farms, housed troops, fought alongside the men.
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