- Who wrote down the first ice cream recipe in America? Thomas Jefferson who ate it in Paris.
- Who invented bifocals, swim fins, lightening rod and odometers? Ben Franklin
- Who set up the patent office in America? George Washington
- Who was the only President who held a patent? Abraham Lincoln
- Born out of wedlock in the British West Indies, abandoned by his father and orphaned by age 11, this patriot was educated at Kings College, aka Columbia. Alexander Hamilton
- Who in 1777 fought in Aide de Camp to Washington? Hamilton
- Constitution Convention from NY delegate? Hamilton
- In 1801 whose son was killed in a duel defending his father’s honor? Alexander Hamilton
- July 11, 1804 despite shooting his gun up into the air, who was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr? Alexander Hamilton
- Who was the youngest member of the Continental Congress? James Madison
- Who was known as the Father of the Constitution? James Madison
- Who was the instigator of the Virginia Plan --a house of representatives and a senate? Madison
- Who instituted the idea of checks and balances in the Constitution? Madison
- What is more often cited than any other primary source by modern day judges, attorneys, historians and political scientists as a major contemporary interpretation of the Constitution? The Federalist Papers
- Name one of the three writers of the Federalist papers? James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Jay
- Federalist Papers were made up of how many articles/essays? 85
- How many articles of the Federalist Papers were written by Alexander Hamilton? 51
- Who introduced the Bill of Rights for transparency in government? James Madison
- Who married the shopper extraordinaire and party giver who was 21 years younger than her husband and who organized the first inaugural ball? Dolly Madison
- Which soft spoken American president , at 5’4” who never weighed more than 100 lbs, was the smallest man ever to occupy the White House? James Madison
- Who was the first Secretary of the Treasury and who designed the first Treasury Department and is on the ten dollar bill? Alexander Hamilton
- Who created the first national banking institution in America and what was it called? Alexander hamilton, The Bank of the United States
- In the midst of the war of 1812, the British came into Washington and burned what important building? The executive mansion and it was later rebuilt and called the White House
- Who was the first Secretary of State under Washington? Thomas Jefferson
- What was the single most important piece of legislation passed by the earlier Continental Congress other than the Declaration of Independence? It established precidents like slavery in the new territories. Northwest Ordinance
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
George Washington Illustrated Biography Quiz 3
Quiz Three - Pages 102 to 172 Chapters 13-20
- Battle of Bunker Hill happened what date? How many casualties and what famous words were spoken by the commander of the Continental Army? P 98-99
- What date did Washington take charge of the continental army? p 103
- The army was in disarray because how did the troops get their commanders? P 103
- How were the commanders acting toward the enlisted men? P 103
- How many of the people in America were still loyal to the King of England? P 104
- When Washington took over the army what new rules were initiated? P 104
- What was Washington’s religious regimen and what did he change for the men? 106 & 104
- What happened at Dorchester Heights and what happened to General Howe’s army. P 108
- How did Patriots in America treat Tories? P 111
- Who was the spy Thomas Hickey and what was his end? P 111-112
- At the second Continental Congress what document was ratified? P 112
- In Bowling Green, what happened to the statue of King George? P 113
- Who were the victors in the Battle of Harlem Heights and the Battle of Long Island and the Battle of Fort Washington? P 115-116, 118
- Who was Nathan Hale? And what quote was he famous for? P 117
- Who was injured at the Battle of Trenton who would live and become President? P 120
- At the Battle of Princeton, how many casualties were on both sides.
- Washington had his army inoculated for what disease? P 122
- September 1777 was the date of what battle? P 123
- How many casualties at the Battle of Philadelphia? P 124
- Battle of Germantown, what happened to the lieutenant carrying the surrender flag? P 124
- The battles of Freemans farm were also called the battle of what site in New York. P 125
- Name the 1778 Treaty the French signed that led the Americans to ultimate victory p 126
- What were the conditions of Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-1778? p 128
- What did Martha Washington do for the men?
- How many men to a cabin, how much clothes, how many horses died?
- Baron Friedrich Von Steuben was from what country? And spoke what language?
- What was his main purpose in the war?
- How did he teach the frontiersmen to shoot? P129
- Which two treaties did the French sign in May 1778? P 130
- What was the last major battle of the Revolution in the North? P 130
- At the Battle of Monmouth why did General Washington “curse” General Lee? 130-33
- How many men died of heat that day? What else died? P 132
- What nickname was given to Mary Hayes at this battle?
- Though the British won the battle, how did the battle end? P 133
- What was the last major battle of the Revolution in the North? P 134
- By 1780 who besides America was at war with Britain? 135
- Winter of 1778 what was the war’s biggest problem? P 136
- 1779 was a moneyless year. Which two men funded the war? 139
- How did the 39 women use the money collection for the war effort? P 139
- Winter 1779-80 Washington said, “Soldiers eat...” What kind of food? P 139
- What was the traitor, Benedict Arnold told that American’s would do with his leg if he was ever captured? P 141 Which of his treasonous companions was hanged? P 141
- What was the last important battle for the British in the south? P 144
- What battle happened on September 5 1881 that ended the Revolution for the US? P 145
- On Sept. 9 Washington arrived at Mount Vernon. It had been how many years? P 147
- In the battle, Cornwallis was holed up in whose house? Who ordered it fired upon? P 148
- Who desperately tried to escape but a storm stopped him?
- What day were the articles of surrender signed? P 150
- What was the tri-toast at the dinner of generals after the surrender? P 150
- When the people of London heard of the surrender a riot broke out. How did it end? P 151
- Which four commanders were English and how many did the American’s have? P151
- What was the treaty of Paris? P 151
- Washington’s aide was ill. Who was he, how old was he; how many children? P 153
- What did Washington refuse to do when Colonel Nicola asked him to? P 156
- How much was Washington reimbursed for his expenses in the war? P 158
- What gifts were given by Spain and France to the Mt. Vernon estate? P 163
- Find three examples of Washington’s punctuality, and caution in business dealings. P 164
- Did retirement afford privacy to Mr. and Mrs. Washington? What did his diary say? P 166
- How was Washington’s physical health? P 168
- Benjamin Franklin respected Washington so much that he left him what in his will? P 169
- What percentage did the Convention decide was the “person value” of a slave? P 170
- Who was President of the Constitutional Convention? Who signed the new Constitution first? P 171
- What happened Feb 4, 1789? P 172
Thursday, November 15, 2018
George Washington Illustrated Biography Quiz--Book of the Month

If your goal is to complete the next reading assignment, our recommendation would be to READ!
It's important because this book is BIG! Heavy and full of pictures, not hard.
It's available at eleven library locations and for reserve HOLD to pick up.
We begin it discussing it this week.
Sunday, November 4, 2018
George Washington Illustrated Biography Quiz 1
Pages 1-40 Chapters 1-7
What year was George Washington to cross the Delaware.
2. When Washington came into Philadelphia who made up the honor escort? p4
3. What happened in the New York Bay on that day?
2. When Washington came into Philadelphia who made up the honor escort? p4
3. What happened in the New York Bay on that day?
Who, of all the American Presidents was educated
the least? Who acted as his mentor?
What date did the inauguration take place? Who was the Vice president?p8
What was the War of Jenkin’s Ear? And what did it have to do with Geo.
What year were the ballots cast of the first
Electoral College.
Did George Washington wear a wig and dentures?
When the British minister compared his King
George III to the sun and then Minister France said his king, Louis XVI to the
moon what did Benjamin Franklin say in his toast about the American President?
Geo Washington was born on what modern
date? P 17
From whom Did George inherit Mt. Vernon? How?
Who were his
parents? How and when did his
parents die? p 17
What day were the electoral ballots opened?
How tall was George Washington?
What month did George’s mother die? What was
Mrs Washingtons first name?
Who wrote to tell George W the news of the vote
of the electoral college. p 1
What freak summer event happened to George’s
mother when she was pregnant with him that made her worry for the unborn baby? p 17
Washington loved dating with pretty young women. He
compared dancing to war and said it was what? p 38
What colony was George born in? p 20
How many siblings and half-siblings did he have? p 22
How was Washington educated as a child? p 23
Who wrote stories about Washington as a child
and invented the cherry tree story? p 24
How did Washington attract small pox. p 40
What real story had to do with George riding a
wild horse? And who did he relate it to? p 28
On the advice of her brother, Mother Washington
refused to let George do what when he was fourteen? p 30
1. 1776, Dec. 25th night
4 Washington,
5 Apr 30, 1789, John Adams
7 1776, February
8 ivory dentures, yes, wooden, no and no wig ever.
9. Washington is as Joshua of old who commanded the sun and moon to stand still and they obeyed him.
10 Feb 22, 1732
11 From his half sibling Lawrence when he died and his daughter/heir Sarah also.
12Augustine and Mary Washington
16 John Langdon, Pres of the Senate
17 A lightning strike killed the girl next to her. Her knife and fork she held melted.
18 It is a "gentler conflict."
19 Virginia
20 Three halfs and 6 full siblings
21. Self educated
22. Mason Locke Weems and early biographer
23 At a party
24 It bucked and bucked and died on the spot. His mother. she said I rejoice in a son who tells truth.
25. Join the navy.
1. 1776, Dec. 25th night
4 Washington,
5 Apr 30, 1789, John Adams
7 1776, February
8 ivory dentures, yes, wooden, no and no wig ever.
9. Washington is as Joshua of old who commanded the sun and moon to stand still and they obeyed him.
10 Feb 22, 1732
11 From his half sibling Lawrence when he died and his daughter/heir Sarah also.
12Augustine and Mary Washington
16 John Langdon, Pres of the Senate
17 A lightning strike killed the girl next to her. Her knife and fork she held melted.
18 It is a "gentler conflict."
19 Virginia
20 Three halfs and 6 full siblings
21. Self educated
22. Mason Locke Weems and early biographer
23 At a party
24 It bucked and bucked and died on the spot. His mother. she said I rejoice in a son who tells truth.
25. Join the navy.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
George Washington Illustrated Biography Quiz 2
SECOND QUIZ Pages 40-100
ANSWERS AT THE END--Don't cheat yourself!
- Mentors hired by George Washington’s half-brother Lawrence taught him. Name two of the three skills? P.41
- How old was Washington when he was sent on a military mission to deliver a message to the French? P.42
- In a month and a half how far did he travel on this mission? P42
- How did the French respond to the British request for their removal from the Ohio Valley?p 43
- Washington had an exciting adventure on his trip home. The story was published in what magazine and printed in six issues titled what? P. 45
- What did Washington write about being in the middle of battle? P. 47
- What happened at Fort Necessity P 45
- What do you think Voulez-vous parler means? P 48
- July 4, 1754 What happened in Washington’s life? P 49
- After Washington resigned, who inspired him to return to the military life? P 51
- Battle of Fort Duquesne, General Braddock was killed. What happened to Washington? P 53
- Washington resigned again after rebuilding Fort Duquesne. Why? p 59 and 65
- Name three attributes of Martha Curtis p 63 and what date he married. p 65
- How did Washington feel about freeing his slaves? P 70 and P 75
- What did it mean to be a Member of the House of Burgess? P 71
- Why did Britain feel it necessary to tax the colonies? P 78
- Parliament repealed the Stamp Act, but replaced it with what? P 81
- In retribution to the Tea Party, Parliament passed what series of bills? p 85 And then did what to the Virginia House of Burgess? p. 86
- On Aug 1, Washington spoke at a meeting in Virginia and what happened? p 88
- The famous orator Patrick Henry said what famous line about himself, and then said this about Washington? And then finally uttered immortal words? P 89 90 and 91
- After Paul Revere’s ride, in what battle was “the shot heard round the world”? P 92
- What did Ethan Allen demand at Fort Ticonderoga from the pantsless general? p 95
- John Adams led the discussion for who would lead the army. Who did he want and what did Washington do? p 96
- How was Washington paid for his service? p 97
- Name 3 ways women helped in the War? p 98

1. battle strategy and weaponsand swordplay
2. 21
3. 500 miles
4. um... no. St. Pierre said, "I do not think myself obliged to obey it."
5. Boston Gazette, and The Journals of Washington, "My Jouney to the French."
6. I have heard the bullets whistle and thee is something charming in the sound.
7. Washington was foced to surrender to the French
8 Would you like to speak? (of surrender)
9 Washington signed surrender papers.
10Major General Braddock
11. Two horses shot out from under him, four bullets through his coat, two through his hat, uninjured.
12 To marry and retire to Mt. Vernon
11. Two horses shot out from under him, four bullets through his coat, two through his hat, uninjured.
12 To marry and retire to Mt. Vernon
13 hot tempered, stubborn, played piano, danced, good weaver and seamstress, Jan 6, 1759
14 He released them all upon his and Martha's death.
15 You were a member of the state assembly.
16 To fund the war in America against the French
17 The Townsend Act
18 The Intolerable Acts, Dissolved ithe House and released it of all influence with Britain
19 Volunteered to lead the Army.
19 Volunteered to lead the Army.
20 I am not a Virginian, I am an American, Rise up and help me. Washington is unquestionably the greatest man on the floor. Give me Liberty or Give Me Death!
21 Beginning of Revolutionary war the Battle of Lexington and Concord
22 Surrender
23 Nominated him for command--whereupon Washington left the room.
24 Not paid, ever, just reimbursed for expenses he incurred.
25 Wove cloth, sewed uniforms, ran the farms, housed troops, fought alongside the men.
Virtues and Vices Quiz Questions
Virtues and Vices
Quiz Questions
- What Congressional compromise, between the north and south, assured slaves representation in the House. (The 3/5’s Compromise. One slave would be counted as only 3/5 of a person.)
Founding Fathers Quiz Questions
- Which of the following was NOT a precedent set by President George Washington? (c)
- a) He served only two terms.
- b) He established dignity in office.
- c) He lived in the White House. (He selected the site, but never lived in it.)
- d) He formed the cabinet.
- Who was the father of the Federalist Party and the first secretary of the treasury? Hint: he was considered a conservative and believed in big government, big business, and flexible interpretation of the Constitution. By the way, the meaning of conservative then is opposite what it is now. (Alexander Hamilton)
- Who was the father of the Democratic-Republican Party and the first secretary of state? Hint: he was considered a liberal and believed in limited government, small businesses, and literal interpretation of the Constitution. By the way, the meaning of liberal then is opposite what it is now. (Thomas Jefferson)
- Doing something for the first time and setting a standard for others to follow is setting a ______________________. (precedent)
- A small group of people who disagree with a larger group or party is called a ______________________. (faction)
- Did John Adams own slaves? (no)
- What religion was John Adams? P 9
- As eldest son John was expected to become what? P. 11
- Which language became John Adam’s favorite as a youth? P 15
- What did this phrase mean that so charmed him that he chanted it aloud? Veni Vidi Vici? P15
- What school did John join when he was almost 16? P. 16 To become? P. 18
- What did John Adams become directly after college? P 23
- Since he hated that, what did he study for next? P 25
- What was John Adams job for the stamp act? Pg 56
- With which president did John Adams serve as Vice-President? P 126
- John Adams was which number President of the United States? P. 131
- John Adams lost his election for a second term. Who did he lose to?
- How many years did John Adams live after he left congress? P. 143
- Which of John Adams sons became President? P 140
- What were John Adams last words. P. 140
Wars & Rumors of War Quiz Questions
Wars and Rumors of Wars
Quiz Questions
During the Revolutionary War, fighting between
the colonists and the British occurred on which of these fronts? (e)
The northern front
The southern front
The western frontier
The ocean front
All of the above
Which of these countries did NOT help the
colonists during the Revolutionary War with soldiers, money, supplies, and/or
experts? (e)
The Revolutionary War started with the battles
of _________________________. (Lexington and Concord)
The Revolutionary War ended with the battle of
Which British Commander in Chief surrendered
after the last battle of the Revolutionary War? (Cornwallis)
True or False.
The Continental Army led by George Washington won the Revolutionary War
mainly because they did mostly guerilla fighting. (True)
At Winter Quarters which Prussian General taught
the patriots formation and European battle strategies? (Friedrich Von Steuben)
Who was first a great hero then a traitor of the
colonists in the Revolutionary War? (Benedict Arnold)
What great war leveled Britain with tremendous
debt, becoming the reason Britain began to tax the colonists so heavily, and
thus leading to the colonists’ rebellion and eventual war for independence?
(French and Indian War)
Name four of the many acts of British Parliament
that made the colonists angry and helped to unite the colonists toward
independence. (Proclamation of 1763, The Stamp Act, The Sugar Act, The
Quartering Act, Writs of Assistance, The Declaratory Acts, The Tea Act, The
Townshend Acts).
Name the pantsless general who surrendered to
Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys after the battle of Ticonderoga. (Delaplant)
True or False. According to John Adams, the
Boston Massacre really was a massacre of innocent colonists by British
soldiers. (False)
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