Thursday, November 1, 2018

Founding Fathers Quiz Questions

Founding Fathers
Take a fun quiz at this link:  
Quiz Questions
  1. Which of the following was NOT a precedent set by President George Washington? (c)
  2. a)                 He served only two terms.
  3. b)                 He established dignity in office.
  4. c)                  He lived in the White House.  (He selected the site, but never lived in it.)
  5. d)                 He formed the cabinet.
  6. Who was the father of the Federalist Party and the first secretary of the treasury?  Hint: he was considered a conservative and believed in big government, big business, and flexible interpretation of the Constitution. By the way, the meaning of conservative then is opposite what it is now.  (Alexander Hamilton)
  7. Who was the father of the Democratic-Republican Party and the first secretary of state?  Hint: he was considered a liberal and believed in limited government, small businesses, and literal interpretation of the Constitution. By the way, the meaning of liberal then is opposite what it is now.  (Thomas Jefferson)
  8. Doing something for the first time and setting a standard for others to follow is setting a ______________________. (precedent)
  9. A small group of people who disagree with a larger group or party is called a ______________________. (faction)
  10. Did John Adams own slaves?   (no)
  11. What religion was John Adams?  P 9
  12. As eldest son John was expected to become what?  P. 11
  13. Which language became John Adam’s favorite as a youth?  P 15
  14. What did this phrase mean that so charmed him that he chanted it aloud?   Veni Vidi Vici? P15
  15. What school did John join when he was almost 16?  P. 16     To become? P. 18
  16. What did John Adams become directly after college?  P 23
  17. Since he hated that, what did he study for next?  P 25
  18. What was John Adams job for the stamp act?  Pg 56
  19. With which president did  John Adams serve as Vice-President? P 126
  20. John Adams was which number President of the United States?   P. 131
  21. John Adams lost his election for a second term.  Who did he lose to? 
  22. How many years did John Adams live after he left congress?  P. 143
  23. Which of John Adams sons became President?  P 140
  24. What were John Adams last words.  P. 140

1 comment:

  1. All the quiz questions had the answers posted except for the first one.


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