Saturday, April 7, 2018

More Constitutional Quiz Questions

  1. What does the Constitution say is the criteria to be a Supreme Court Justice?  None
  2. How is the President's nomination for Supreme Court confirmed?   Majority of the Senate
  3. What was the main difference between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution?  Tax collection
  4. Federalists and Antifederalists disagreed about what point of the consititutionj?  Balance of Power
  5. Why was the Thirteenth Amendment passed?  Abolish Slavery
  6. Who was the first black Supreme Court Justice?  Thurgood Marshall
  7. The Great Compromise affected which of the three branches of government?  Legislative
  8. Who was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?   John Jay
  9. Who had a major hand in shaping the Constitution yet would not sign it?  George Mason
  10. Who was the first president to live in the White House?  John Adams
  11. Which President purchased a large parcel of land from France?   Jefferson
  12. What was the large parcel of land purchased from Napoleon Bonneparte?  Louisiana Purchase
  13. Benjamin Franklin's son fought with which army during the Revolution?  British Army
  14. Alexander Hamilton is on which U.S. bill of currency?  Ten dollar bill  
  15. Father of the Constitution was whom?  James Madison
  16. Sage of the Constitutional Convention was?  benjamin Franklin
  17. What was the group of five called to write the constitution?  Committee on Style and Arrangement
  18. What year was Geo. Washington elected President?  1789
  19. What date was the Constitution signed?  Sept 17, 1787
  20. Who was the first postmaster general?  Benjamin Franklin
  21. Which founding father believed the constitution should be rewritten every generation? Jefferson
  22. Which enlightenment concept influenced the Convention?   Consent of the Governed
  23. Which president did Washington Irving call "a withered little applejohn?"   James Madison
  24. Which greeting did Geo. Washington prefer over a handshake? A bow
  25. The first constitution of the US was called? Articles of Confederation

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